
Wisdom love and understanding

Wisdom love and understanding

Wisdom love and understanding

by 1800CallJesus.com
Date:January 26, 2024

Scripture of the Day

James 3:17-18
"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness."


In our world today, where free speech and diverse opinions intersect, James 3:17-18 reminds us of the heavenly wisdom we are called to embrace. This wisdom is not just about knowledge; it's about how we communicate and interact with others. It's pure, peace-loving, considerate, and merciful. As Christians, we are encouraged to engage in conversations that are impartial and sincere, reflecting the fruits of God's wisdom in our daily interactions. Let this scripture guide us in using our freedom of speech in a way that honors God and builds others up, fostering peace and understanding in our communities.

Today's Prayer

Heavenly Father,
In the vibrant tapestry of our world, where voices rise in a chorus of diverse opinions, we come to You seeking Your wisdom and grace. In an era where the power of speech shapes not only moments but the very course of lives, we pray for guidance in our words.
Lord, bestow upon us the wisdom to use our speech as a beacon of Your love and truth. In a landscape brimming with varied thoughts and expressions, help us to cherish the freedom of speech You've granted us, using it to uplift, to heal, and to bring Your light into the darkest of places.
Grant us hearts that listen before speaking, minds that seek understanding over being understood, and spirits that yearn for unity over discord. May our words be seasoned with the salt of Your grace, bringing out the flavors of compassion and empathy in our conversations.
In discussions that challenge and stretch us, let us embrace humility, remembering that all wisdom comes from You. In our speaking and our listening, let us exemplify Your command to love our neighbors, respecting the dignity and worth You've placed in every soul.
Empower us, O Lord, to use our voices for justice, to speak courageously for those who are voiceless, and to stand firm in the truth that sets us free. Yet, in our boldness, let us not forget to cloak our words in Your unfailing love.
We pray for a world where speech builds bridges of understanding, where words become vessels of Your peace, and where every conversation draws us closer to You and to one another.
In the precious name of Jesus, who spoke life into existence and hope into hearts, Amen.

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